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Choosing Professional Skin Care

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Choosing Professional Skin Care

Are there differences between otc (Over The Counter) and professional skin care?

Today’s Clients are both ingredient and product savvy. Everywhere they are bombarded with images, videos, blogs, etc., with the “latest and greatest” products and ingredients. But is everything they see true, or is it just hype? Therefore, you need to use your position as a licensed skin care professional to guide your clients to the correct products and treatments for their skin care type and concerns.

When a client is in your facial room, it is a perfect time to explain to them the differences in the products you are using on them, as opposed to something they can purchase themselves at businesses that don’t specialize in skin care. Some of the quick facts to share about Professional Skin Care include:

  • Higher Quality Ingredients 
  • Extensive Research and Clinical Testing
  • Usually Smaller Batches Equals Better Quality Control
  • Customized Solutions for Specific Skin Concerns
  • You, the Skin Care Professional, are there to Guide and Assist them
choosing your professional skin care brand

As an esthetician, you should be using and offering high quality, professional products.  The products you choose to use in your facial room are the lifeblood of your business. Your clients trust you to give knowledgeable advice, and use effective products. For these reasons, be picky in choosing your products for your room. Some important considerations to think about: Does the product line continually develop new products, keep up with the times, offer education and support…and, most importantly, provide results?

Again, use your position as a Skin Care Professional to educate your clients. Give them expert advice, results driven professional products, and they will be loyal to you for their product needs.

For More Information, this article from 2019 is still very relevant today: Choosing The Right Skin Care Brand For Your Business

Feel free to contact us at La Marquise to customize a professional skin care product recommendation for your facial room or spa.

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